Give someone a high quality gift they will know you aquired especially for them. The Primary the Ruling Class Shop carries only the highest quality of clothing and merchandise. Let your patriotism show!
Whether you are looking for polo shirts, t-shirts, or hoodies you can find a selection of colors for both men and women. And, of course, every purchase is considered a donation and helps support the cause of replacing ruling class establishment politicians in the Primary Elections – You know… those Republican Senators and Congressmen that keep sabotaging President Trump’s agenda.
Every purchase made helps drain the swamp !!!
The Primary the Ruling Class Shop carries High quality clothing and gifts - both patriotic and funny - Every purchase helps Drain the Swamp !!!
StressFreeBill Tweet
The clothing is incredibly comfortable and uses high quality fabrics. But the handsome coffee mugs will turn heads… Also of the highest quality, the bright colors and detailed graphics will keep you proud. They are available in a number of striking colors.
Don’t forget the yard signs, mouse pads, and other stocking stuffers that will both bring a smile and support the cause.
Of course, the greatest gift of all is knowledge…
The book that started the Primary the Ruling Class movement is also available. It’s Not About Donkeys and Elephants: Branding the Real Enemy by StressFreeBill quickly rose to the #1 Bestseller position on Amazon for newcomers in its category.
This is an easy to read book that exposes a multitude of tricks the establishment ruling class politicians use to fool the American people and avoid accountability. The mainstream ruling class media will never talk about these things – they’re beneficiaries of ruling class dominance. Make no mistake, the new self-appointed ruling class that is attempting a soft-coup in America crosses party lines and isn’t restricted to politicians and the media… it includes the Deep State, Academia, and more. This is a well researched and well documented book that will open eyes and even create some rightous anger – and it’s about time!
Every purchase helps support the Primary the Ruling Class Committee and replace incumbant ruling class politicians to Drain the Swamp. Your support is critical – and appreciated.
Paid for by Primary The Ruling Class PAC.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee