We are going to do some incredible things to promote the America First agenda. We have plans to produce some phenomenal ads, and ideas for spectacular ad campaigns. We are already targeting specific House and Senate campaigns where we can make a difference. In addition, we believe we can be very effective in educating the general population on issues such as immigration, illegal immigration, energy policy, international trade, the cost of government regulation, the rule of law, healthcare, and more. We are very good at taking complex issues and making them understandable.
It does, however, take a lot of money to produce and run ads, whether online or via radio and tv. This is why we have chosen the proven model of network marketing – It is absolutely the most explosive and dynamic form of organization building ever devised. I personally have built multiple organizations in excess of ten thousand people with one approaching the forty-thousand mark. By using this model, we can build a huge army of people each giving a little money for the cause, rather than a few people each donating a lot.
It takes a lot of money to produce and run ads, whether online or via radio and tv. This is why we’ve chosen the proven model of network marketing – It is absolutely the most explosive and dynamic form of organization building ever devised.
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Individuals working with Primary the Ruling Class will have an opportunity to earn significantly large amounts of money – and that is great… because it means they are raising even more money for the cause. I personally have earned well over seven figures in the network marketing industry and know many others that have earned as much or more. I hope the same happens here – but I also hope no one ever loses sight of the main objective… to Drain the Swamp and hold our elected officials responsible to their voters.
I also think our organizational model gives us some distinct and unique advantages both on the political and income opportunity side of things. I want to detail them here:
From a Political Standpoint
Massive amounts of people can always trump a few large donors. They bring an energy that can easily be caught on camera. I have been assured by highly placed PR agents with experience on the national stage that a movement of our type, if we have the numbers, should attract a large amount of free publicity. We need thousands of people producing short, ‘selfie videos’… each proclaiming their love for our country and their belief in Primary the Ruling Class. We can create an online ‘buzz’ that opens many doors for us.
Imagine, for a moment, that an election day is near and the Ruling Class Media launches a last-minute campaign ambush with whatever scandalous allegation they think will work. This has almost become the norm rather than the exception lately and it doesn’t seem to make any difference whether the allegations are true or not – the damage is done. And because it many times has worked – because it has thrown elections – the left is going to keep on doing this to our candidates…
Individuals working with Primary the Ruling Class will have an opportunity to earn significantly large amounts of money – and that is great… because it means they are raising even more money for the cause.
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What if, however, the next time they tried it, Primary the Ruling Class was ready. We could quickly get out a counterpoint and/or explanation immediately – what if we could quickly mobilize 70,000 people to share those counterpoints on social media? What if we had 70,000 people calling radio stations in that particular state showing support and outrage for the smear and the attempt to manipulate voters?
We could make a difference.
What could happen the next time a critical vote comes up in Congress and a few Ruling Class politicians are standing in the way? What if we had 70,000 people calling radio stations and Congressional offices – overwhelming email and office phones – showing support with promises to oppose any weak-kneed politician that doesn’t honor their promises and support the America First agenda?
We could make a huge difference – especially once we start making a name for ourselves.
What if we had 70,000 people calling radio stations and Congressional offices – overwhelming email and office phones - promising to oppose any weak-kneed politician that doesn’t honor their promises and support the America First agenda?
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Think about this… A particular Senate election is quickly approaching and it is neck and neck. The outcome could decide whether Democrats or Republicans hold the majority in the Senate for the next two years. We put the call out for our members to make a one-time donation directly to the Republican’s campaign… if the average donation is only $25 and we have 70,000 people, we’ve just given a massive $1,750,000 infusion into the Republican’s campaign with only two weeks to go. Do you think that could make a difference? Of course it could !!!
It’s possible we may only have 30,000 people. Or, we could have 120,000, or more! The point is, massive numbers of people – well organized – can be far more powerful than any given donor. In other words, 1,000 people each giving $100 really is worth a lot more than 10 people each giving $10,000. Think about it.
From a Network Marketing Standpoint
Building a network marketing business was absolutely not my first thought in doing this. Actually, I came around to the idea rather slowly – I just wanted a fast way to build a big organization.
The more I thought about it, however, the more excited I was at the potential. I spent 28 years building network marketing teams and as much as we’d all like to think our companies have been product driven, we have to admit that for many, the opportunity was the driving force.
Everyone always looks for that ‘miracle’ product – the one that will sell itself. The one people become passionate about and believe in without reservation…
Could we be staring that situation right in the face?
More so than ever, people are passionate about what’s happening to our country. Much of the leftist fringe is made up of nasty hate-filled lunatics, and that is forcing even normally neutral people to take sides. Every day, more are realizing that our country is in trouble. People are coming out of the shadows to show their patriotism and belief that America is a good country – and are relieved to find they’re not an insignificant minority after all.
The Ruling Class mainstream press wants us to think we are. They’ve done a good job of beating people down and implying we should feel guilty and selfish for loving our country. When I travel from state to state and share my strong belief that America is not dead – that the work ethic and values that made us great are still present in the majority of Americans – I’m met with gratitude and relief. I’m met with people that desperately want to do something to take our country back from the crazy globalist anti-American PC elements that seem to control everything. And there is one question I keep hearing over and over… “But, what can I do?”
Everyone always looks for that ‘miracle’ product – the one that will sell itself. The one people become passionate about and believe in without reservation… Could we be staring that situation right in the face?
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We now have the answer to that question.
Could recruiting Independent Affiliate Members (IAMs) into Primary the Ruling Class be the easiest recruiting in the history of network marketing? I honestly don’t know… We probably won’t get the majority of Democrats (although, you never know – there are a huge number of life-long Democrats that voted for Trump and are fed-up with the radical socialist movement and/or corruption taking over their party). I would think that we’d be attractive to many Independents and Libertarians… But there is no question in my mind that constitutional conservatives, evangelicals, small business owners, conservative minority organizations, Log Cabin Republicans, and Republicans at large will support us enthusiastically…
The bottom line is that we’ll be recruiting from a niche market – but it could be the largest and most enthusiastic niche market in network marketing history (remember – almost 63 million motivated people voted for Donald Trump in 2016 – and I think the number would be even higher if the election were held again today). There was a quiet, but defiant and passionate resolve that moved many of those voters. Some of the largest network marketing organizations I’ve ever known have been founded on far less.
In summary, let me say this… For me, this is first and foremost about affecting the political future of our country. The political blog that I write at www.StressFreeBill.com makes me an open book. My political beliefs are exactly what I say they are and no one ever has to worry about that. In addition, because we are legally an Independent Political Action Committee (Super PAC) we make public filings and our sole purpose is to raise money for the cause – there should be no concern for a greedy ownership buying too many yachts and bankrupting the company. Lastly, in addition to my 28 years of experience in network marketing, I have run a number of companies both in and out of the direct selling industry – but I will always have a soft place in my heart for network marketing and a special love for the Independent Affiliates that make it happen. I truly understand that the more successful ‘the field’ is, the more successful the Super PAC will be.
I can only promise an adventure… But it will be a Grand Adventure !!!
I hope you’ll join us. (Learn More – Join Now)
Bill Luznicky a/k/a StressFreeBill www.StressFreeBill.com www.PrimaryTheRulingClass.com (214) 783-0670
Do you have questions about how it works? Do you just want to check us out and/or know more about us? Use the form on the right to let us know and we’ll have one of our experts contact you. Your email and phone are safe with us and will never be sold. We are confident that the more you know about Primary the Ruling Class the better you’ll feel about joining us!
Paid for by Primary The Ruling Class PAC.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee