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Thank you for submitting your information. We will be reaching out to you within the next 24 hours. In the meantime, please familiarize yourself with our website and the information below…
Please Review the Following:
The Primary The Ruling Class Movement
The US Constitution places power in the hands of the people and specifically protects us from a Ruling Class. It almost sounds alarmist or conspiratorial to claim that we have a Ruling Class in America but, in fact, we do…
It’s not a secret cabal, but it is very real – and we need to do something about it.
Select the links below for simple, but undeniable, explanations of who the Ruling Class are.
For a thorough explanation of who makes up the Ruling Class, what drives them, how they exercise control, and how to defeat them, read the Bestselling book…
It’s Not About Donkeys and Elephants: Branding the Real Enemy – purchase
It contains full documentation, citations, and references to support an inescapable conclusion. You will instantly know the truth of it when you read it.
PRC PAC is the only political action committee totally dedicated to stopping RINO Republicans in the primaries by electing candidates that will enthusiastically support President Trump’s agenda. This requires a year-round effort and your membership can make a difference. We are a grassroots organization made up of everyday Americans.
There Are Three Ways You Can Participate
Special Skills Volunteer
Independent Affiliate Member (IAM)
Non-Affiliated Donor (NAD)
PRC PAC has need for the following skill sets. If you have these skills and are willing to donate a little time please let us know.
- html/css programing
- political writing (articles)
- National Account Public Relations experience
- Attorneys specializing in home business and/or campaign finance law
- CPAs with PAC experience
- Social Media Marketing
- video & audio production experience – studio access a plus
IAMs hold the highest level of membership and are directly responsible for the organization’s accelerated growth. Therefore, PRC PAC is willing to pay significant reimbursement for successful efforts.
If you know other like-minded individuals that might be interested in knowing about PRC PAC, you might very well be able to earn significant income.
We want to encourage spare-time IAMs to graduate to part-time and full-time efforts. Therefore, we offer a compensation plan that can reward part-time efforts with full-time commissions.
Bonuses and residual overrides will be paid to IAMs based upon the PRC PAC Compensation Plan.
Reward Trips and a Car Program are rewards that can also be earned through the Compensation Plan. In addition, IAMs are privy to the PAC’s insider knowledge and strategies for dealing with the Washington DC swamp.
All IAM applicants must pass a brief screening interview. To request an interview, go HERE. (If you haven’t already)
If you have no interest in helping recruit but would like to support the movement, then this is for you.
NADs can take part in polls that help PRC PAC determine strategic direction and issue priority. You may also receive a certificate of recognition and our newsletter.
Become a NAD by making a purchase in the PRC Store or by making a donation.
Note #1: Donations of as little as $10 are accepted.
Note #2: A Donation of $12,000 will qualify an individual as a Qualified IAM for Life, will carry the title ‘Lifetime Member,’ will receive a special recognition wall plaque, and will have special seating at events.