Who Really Sandbagged President Trump?
The $1.6 Trillion Omnibus spending bill (H.R. 1625) was just signed into law by President Trump. Already Democrats are celebrating and sarcastically tweeting that They’re getting tired of winning. There is no question that this is a bad bill and even President Trump in a ruddy-faced signing ceremony agreed that nothing like this should ever happen again – that he would never sign another bill like this. It is obvious that he was sandbagged into doing it… but who really did the sandbagging?
This isn’t about the budget – this is primarily about the midterm elections.
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Before we answer that, we quickly need to understand two things. First, our military is really in a bad way. We only know of a handful of the threats our country and our military face – the President knows them all. The public may never know the real sense of urgency he feels to rebuild our military, but he has made its importance clear.
The second thing we need to understand is that this isn’t primarily about the budget – this is about the midterm elections.
Ordinarily, when I think of a politician strategizing like this I get angry – I’ve had enough of politicians putting their careers ahead of the best interest of the American people. This, however, is actually different. President Trump is not concerned about a career. StressFreeBill believes he is genuinely concerned with his agenda – Making America Great Again. So why then, would he sign this bill?
Because StressFreeBill believes that Trump (contrary to common belief) has just insured enough Republican victories to hold the House in the midterm elections coming in November.
Keeping the House with a Republican majority is absolutely critical to our very freedom. This is not hyperbole; if the Democrats win the House they will most assuredly initiate impeachment proceedings. They don’t need a reason; no laws need be broken. They will do it simply because they can – and the good of the country be damned. The Senate will either convict the President or tie his
StressFreeBill believes that Trump has just insured enough Republican victories to hold the House in the midterm elections coming in November.
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administration up sufficiently that he is ineffective and cannot hope to win reelection in 2020. Their entire world will center around stalling his agenda and disillusioning his supporters (think about how disillusioned many of us feel now with the passage of this bill – and this is nothing compared to what it could be). In their ideal world, they would make him so miserable he would resign
Midterm Congressional elections are always a challenge for the incumbent. Many of the voters that put their man in the White House go ‘back to sleep’ between Presidential elections and don’t even bother to go to the polls in off years. The loser’s party, however, is still angry they lost and are energized to ‘get even.’ It’s all about voter turnout. The party that turns out the most voters in the midterms picks up seats in Congress and the party that doesn’t loses. The Democrats only need to gain 24 seats to take the majority in the House. If they do, Nancy Pelosi will be the Speaker, our taxes will be raised, our economic growth will again be stifled, trade policies that further hollow-out the middle-class will be enacted, amnesty and Open-Borders will become a reality, and President Trump will be impeached. These are not typical off year elections – the outcome is truly this dire.
If the Democrats win the House they will most assuredly initiate impeachment proceedings. They don’t need a reason; no laws need be broken. They will do it simply because they can – and the good of the country be damned.
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If President Trump had vetoed the bill, the Democrats (and some Republicans) would have blamed him for shutting down the government and the military would not have been funded. There are good people saying he should have done it anyway; they’re claiming there are other ways (other tactics, negotiations, etc.) that could have been used to get money for the military. What these sincere people don’t understand is that this is not a Democrat vs Republican issue. It is a Ruling Class vs We the People
issue. The leadership of the House and Senate (both Republican and Democrat) would never give the President needed military funding without forcing him to eat crow. They want him humiliated and his followers disillusioned, and military funding is the biggest stick they have to use in this sick game. President Trump does not have control of the House and Senate – the Ruling Class does. They feel this was a win-win for them; if Trump vetoes he gets blamed for the shutdown and labeled ineffective and fails in a campaign promise (to rebuild the military). If he signs, he is humiliated and his followers disillusioned. Before anyone dismisses this unholy alliance between Schumer, McConnell, Pelosi, and Ryan remember that we’ve already seen another faction of the Ruling Class establishment raise its head in an effort to take Trump out – the Ruling Class Bureaucracy (the Deep State) has been involved in a silent coup from even before he was elected.
But President Donald J. Trump is not a stupid man. He surely understands these dynamics better than anyone. So, let’s step back and take a big picture view of what just happened, and what’s most likely to happen over the next few years…
I am writing this less than 24 hours after the bill was signed into law. There may very well be more information emerge regarding this bill and I doubt much of it will be favorable to the President. I have an extensive list of outside the Beltway contacts. Most are good, solid, everyday people that have no professional interest in politics other than loving their country. Many of them voted for President Trump.
Many of them are also angry.
President Trump does not have control of the House and Senate – the Ruling Class does.
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Some of them are angry at Trump, but a large number of them are (again) experiencing a visceral anger at the unseen powers in Washington that keep thwarting the Will of the People. It is very much the same type of anger that drove millions of people to vote again (for Trump) after years of frustrated indifference. Remember, the midterms are all about voter turnout and angry people vote. Now, am I sensing enough anger to carry us through the next seven months until the election? No. But I am sensing what could very well be the beginning of an awakening of a sleeping populous.

What if, instead, he takes up this issue again right before the November elections?
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If President Trump would have vetoed this bill (as I and many others originally called for) he would have energized his base – but not much else would have been accomplished. And would that energy have really lasted all the way to the November elections? Probably not.
What if, instead, he takes up this issue again right before those elections? Remember, this spending bill only funds the government for six months – this whole issue will need to be addressed again in October. Now, the Ruling Class leadership in Congress is not stupid either. They’ve already let it slip that they have no intention of negotiating another spending bill. Instead, they will submit a Continuing Resolution bill that simply delays a government shutdown by continuing current funding levels. But what if President Trump refuses to sign it?
Remember, every member of the House (including Paul Ryan) is up for election in November. They could be faced with giving Trump what he wants or explaining to an angry American voter base exactly why they won’t – with precious little time to massage the facts. A few may be willing to leave office to see the globalist Ruling Class agenda advanced, but with Trump encouraging people to support those Republicans that support him, would self-interest not win out for most?
President Trump already has his military funding (they can’t take it away). So, what if he launches a full campaign onslaught against Democrats for nor protecting the DACA kids? What if he squarely blames the Democrats for squandering money on Planned Parenthood, National Public Radio, and other boondoggles. What if he clearly denounces the Democrats for not giving us more border enforcement, defunding Sanctuary Cities, and building the wall. An overwhelming majority of Americans want DACA addressed , illegal immigration stopped, and legal immigration reduced. What if he points to the spending bill the Democrats forced him to sign just six months ago as proof the Democrats don’t want any of these things, and does all of this just 30 days before the election?
These midterms could shape up to be one of the largest political events in our country’s history. And if the frustrated visceral anger of the American people can be raised again and targeted at the Democrat party, turnout will be huge and Republicans will win in a landslide.
Now, did our President have this all planned and figured out six months ago? Maybe, but I doubt it. If he did, it is a dangerous game he’s playing… but these are dangerous times. This may very well be the lessor evil of two options. His business acumen has always given him the ability to adjust on the fly. He has been so incredibly successful throughout his career because he is very good at it. Also, one thing all of us should have learned by now – don’t bet against Trump. It is possible that conditions might change between now and the election and require a different approach, but with reflection I have little doubt that he will find the best way forward.
As for the rest of us, make no mistake; our President was sandbagged and betrayed by Ryan, McConnell, and other Ruling Class Republicans in Congress. I believe that up until the last moment he was learning of evermore humiliating items included in the bill. As much as he may want to drain the swamp of these so called Republican leaders, he first must secure the
It says a lot about a man when he is willing to face public humiliation in order to further the people’s agenda
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Republican majority in 2018. It says a lot about a man when he is willing to face public humiliation in order to further the people’s agenda. The gloves will come off at some point. StressFreeBill strongly suspects that President Trump will start calling these elitists out prior to the the 2020 primaries (for the moment, he needs their cooperation – at least as much as he can get). We don’t have to wait, however. This year we can primary Ruling Class Republicans in the Senate, and where the seats are safely Republican (no matter who runs) we can primary them in the House.
Our President brings a long-term vision to the table and we need to do the same. Replacing the Ruling Class Politicians in Washington will take multiple elections. We need to be focused and organized. The Primary the Ruling Class movement was founded for this very reason. Please consider joining us.