Bob Mueller recently indicted 13 Russian citizens for attempting to influence the outcome of our elections. Many think he is grasping at straws and no one expects any prosecutions to ever happen. Still, it begs the question… Exactly what is he accusing them of?
Conspiracy to defraud the United States – check
Entered the country illegally – check
Wired money in and out of the country under false names and pretenses – check
Posted on social media under false names and pretended to be something they’re not – check
Formed LLCs and other legal entities to hide their origins – check
Identity theft – check
Foriegn nationals conducting operations with the intent to alter our elections – check
Can Someone Please Explain to Me What These 13 Russians Did that Illegal Immigrants Haven't Done 1,000 Times Over?
I’ll look forward to the answer on this one…
There really is no difference. They all should be deported. They’ve all broken our laws. I’m suck of both groups and this has to stop ASAP. GIVE EM AN INCH AND THEY TAKE A MILE. THATS THE LAST MILE FOR ME, HOW ABOUT YOU?